Halfway to the grave by Jeanniene Frost

Título: Halfway to the grave (Night Huntress 1)
Autor: Jeanniene Frost
Editorial: HarperCollins
ISBN: 9780061245084
Precio: 8,85€
Sinopsis: Half-vampire Catherine Crawfield is going after the undead with a vengeance, hoping that one of these deadbeats is her father--the one responsible for ruining her mother's life. Then she's captured by Bones, a vampire bounty hunter, and is forced into an unholy partnership.In exchange for finding her father, Cat agrees to train with the sexy night stalker until her battle reflexes are as sharp as his fangs. She's amazed she doesn't end up as his dinner--are there actually good vampires? Pretty soon Bones will have her convinced that being half-dead doesn't have to be all bad. But before she can enjoy her newfound status as kick-ass demon hunter, Cat and Bones are pursued by a group of killers. Now Cat will have to choose a side . . . and Bones is turning out to be as tempting as any man with a heartbeat.

Opinión de Sara: Halfway to the grave es un libro que quería leer desde hace tiempo pero que lamentablemente en España este género no termina de ser aceptado por la gente. De hecho, es un libro descatalogado que difícilmente podrás encontrarlo en las librerías así que si te gustan los vampiros, la fantasía en el mundo moderno y lo sobrenatural, tendrás que leer este libro en inglés. Aunque sinceramente, os lo recomiendo, no tiene un vocabulario excesivamente difícil para alguien que no es experto en el idioma.
Es una historia que no deberíamos perdernos sólo por tener un pequeño problema como es no encontrarlo en la librería ni en nuestro mismo idioma.
No hay excusa que valga.

Cat es mitad vampiro y mitad humana, un fenómeno raro pero no imposible. Su madre fue violada por un vampiro recién convertido y desde que su madre le contó su secreto, Cat ha jurado matar a todos los vampiros con los que se cruce pero su misión se ve truncada cuando se cruza con Bones, un vampiro fuera de lo común que le propone un trato.
Que le ayude a acabar con otros vampiros y a cambio le ayudará a encontrar a su padre.
Con esa inesperada alianza, Cat se adentra en un mundo nuevo para ella, desconocido y aterrador, aprenderá que no todos los vampiros son iguales y empezará una relación con Bones.
Pero no todo es fácil, los prejuicios de su madre serán una dura prueba junto con Hennessey y su red de poder.
Es una historia adictiva y nada más terminar de leer el primer libro, he comprado el siguiente porque promete esta saga.
También tengo que hacer mención al tamaño del libro, es más pequeño que uno de bolsillo de España y me ha hecho mucha gracia, es una curiosidad.

Os recomiendo este libro si os gusta la fantasía en el mundo actual, con una red de conspiraciones y una pizca de romance, los personajes están muy bien logrados y es una saga que voy a seguir leyendo sin lugar a dudas. Para los españoles, no encontrareis mucha dificultad con el libro, es un nivel intermedio y no es excesivamente difícil de seguir.

Halfway to the Grave is a book I wanted to read for a long time but unfortunately in Spain this genre isn´t accepted by people. In fact, this book is difficult to find in bookstores so if you like vampires, fantasy urban and supernatural, you have to read this book in English. But honestly, I recommend it, it doesn't have intrincate vocabulary for somebody with little experience in the language.
It´s a story that we shouldn´t be missing just because we have trouble finding it in a bookstore or because we are not very fluent with the language. No excuses.

Cat is half vampire and half human, a rare phenomenon but not impossible. Her mother was raped by a newly turned vampire and since her mother told her secret, Cat has sworn to kill all vampires with which crosses but her mission is shattered when Bones, a vampire out of the ordinary, crosses her path, and he proposes a deal.
To help her killing other vampires and he will help to find her father.
With this unexpected alliance, Cat enters a new world for her, unknown and scary, learn that not all vampires are equal and begin a relationship with Bones.
But not everything is easy. The prejudices of her mother will be a tough proof and Hennessey and her power.
It is an addictive story and I have bought the second book because I like it.
Also I have to mention the size of the book, it is smaller than a paperback of Spain and that has made me laugh, it's a curiosity.

I recommend this book if you like fantasy urban, with a network of conspiracies and a bit of romance. The characters are very well made and it is a series that I will continue reading. For Spanish people, you will not find much difficulty with the book, it is an intermediate level and is not too difficult to follow.

Puntuación: 8,5/10

Otros libros de vampiros: popularlibros.com

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