Autor: Amanda Hocking
Editorial: St Martin's Press
ISBN: 9781250006318
Precio: 8,25€
Sinopsis: When Wendy Everly was six years old, her mother was convinced she was a monster and tried to kill her. Eleven years later, Wendy discovers her mother might have been right. She's not the person she's always believed herself to be, and her whole life begins to unravel all because of Finn Holmes.Finn is a mysterious guy who always seems to be watching her. Every encounter leaves her deeply shaken though it has more to do with her fierce attraction to him than she'd ever admit. But it isn't long before he reveals the truth: Wendy is a changeling who was switched at birth and he's come to take her home. Now Wendy's about to journey to a magical world she never knew existed, one that's both beautiful and frightening. And where she must leave her old life behind to discover who she's meant to become
Opinión de Sara: Amanda Hocking nunca me ha llamado la atención ya que su saga de vampiros no consiguió atraer mi atención pero como he decidido leer en inglés para mejorar, compré la trilogía Trylle ya que me pareció original el argumento. He quedado encantada y un poco decepcionada a partes iguales. Esto se debe a que la idea principal es original y nueva pero el desarrollo cae en los tópicos y le falta algo.
La trama ha sido algo floja porque realmente Switched es un libro introductorio en el mundo de Trylle, no consigue abarcar mucho más Amanda Hocking. Es como si fuera el inicio de la novela y cuando terminas el libro, te quedas con la sensación de donde está el resto. Apenas se llega a presentar a todos los personajes y el mundo de los trols.
Wendy es trol, pero la raza que siempre hemos visto como fea, es ahora los nuevos elfos bellos y perfectos. En ese sentido, es un poco decepcionante porque sólo se cambia la palabra elfo por trol. Y con poderes mágicos. Coge Amanda Hocking los cuentos clásicos de los niños cambiados para empezar con la novela. Un vistazo rápido a los malos de Trylle y rápidamente pasamos al reino de Wendy.
Y no hay mucho más que contar.
A pesar de ello, Amanda Hocking consigue enganchar al lector porque es una historia original y distinta, con ciertos aspectos negativos y tópicos junto con ciertas incoherencias pero sinceramente, es un libro entretenido que cumple con el objetivo. Hacernos viajar por un mundo nuevo.
Puede que no sea la mejor novela juvenil de fantasía pero tampoco está mal. Es entretenido y nada aburrido pero es el inicio, le falta algo más de trama y tensión para conseguir atrapar irremediablemente al lector y desear, sin posibilidad de negarse, el siguiente libro.
Amanda Hocking never caught my attention since I never found her vampire saga appealing, but as I’ve decided to read in English in order to improve, I bought the Trylle trilogy because the argument seemed original to me. I have been delighted and a little disappointed at the same time. This is because that the main idea is original and new but the development falls into the topics and I can’t help but feel that something is missing.
I found the plot inconsistent because actually Switched is an introductory book on the world of Trylle, Amanda Hocking can’t cover much more. It is as if it were the beginning of the novel, and when you finish the book, you get the feeling of where is the rest. It barely gets to introduce all the characters and the world of the trolls. Wendy is a troll, but the race that always have seen as ugly, is now the new beautiful and perfect elves. In that sense, it is a little disappointing because only changed the word elf to troll. And with magical powers. Amanda Hocking takes the classic tales of changelings to start with the novel. A quick glance at Trylle’s villains and quickly goes to the Kingdom of Wendy. And there is not more to tell. Despite this, Amanda Hocking gets the reader hooked because it’s an original and different story, with some aspects negative and topics together with some inconsistencies but sincerely, it’s an entertaining book that meets the expectations. Let us travel in a new world.
It may not be the best youth fantasy novel but it is not bad. It is entertaining and not boring at all, but it is the beginning, and need more plot and tension to get inevitably catch the reader and wish, without the possibility of refusing, the next book.

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