The dragons of Dorcastle by Jack Campbell

Título: The dragons of Dorcastle (Pillars of reality 1)
Autor: Jack Campbell
Editorial: Jabberwocky Literary Agency, Inc.
ISBN: 9781625671271
Precio: 14,04€
Sinopsis: The first book in a thrilling new epic fantasy saga by Jack Campbell, the New York Times best-selling author of The Lost Fleet series!
For centuries, the two Great Guilds have controlled the world of Dematr. The Mechanics and the Mages have been bitter rivals, agreeing only on the need to keep the world they rule from changing. But now a Storm approaches, one that could sweep away everything that humans have built. Only one person has any chance of uniting enough of the world behind her to stop the Storm, but the Great Guilds and many others will stop at nothing to defeat her.
Mari is a brilliant young Mechanic, just out of the Guild Halls, where she has spent most of her life learning how to run the steam locomotives and other devices of her Guild. Alain is the youngest Mage ever to learn how to change the world he sees with the power of his mind. Each has been taught that the works of the other's Guild are frauds. But when their caravan is destroyed, they begin to discover how much has been kept from them.
As they survive danger after danger, Alain discovers what Mari doesn't know - that she was long ago prophesized as the only one who can save their world. When Mari reawakens emotions he had been taught to deny, Alain realizes he must sacrifice everything to save her. Mari, fighting her own feelings, discovers that only together can she and Alain hope to stay alive and overcome the Dragons of Dorcastle.

Opinión de Sara: The pillars of reality is a Science-Fantasy saga written by Jack Campbell and the first book is The dragons of Dorcastle. Science fantasy combines elements from both science fiction and fantasy, readers can find magic and guns in this type of novels, and it is curious and amazing.

Jack Campbell is a pseudonym for science fiction author and retired US Navy officer John G. Hemry who has written Stark’s War and Paul Sinclair series. But this saga is completely different from the rest of his work because take place in a fantasy world and the books are destined for teenagers.
The dragons of Dorcastle tells us the story about the two Guilds, Mechanics and Mages, eternal rivals but agreeing only on not allowing the world. But a Storm approaches, the destruction of everything and only one person could stop it.
The main characters are Mari and Alain, a mechanic and a mage, who are well development with marked differences.
Alain discovers that Mari is the chosen one during their journey and she reawakes his emotions.
On the other hand, readers will miss secondary characters because the plot focus on the adventures of Mari and Alain so the rest of characters have a minor role and sometimes something is missing, like a background around the main characters.

Someone recommended me insistently this book so I read it. The story is amazing and I have discovered a new genre that I really like but the first book is too introductory, without second plots or characters. I have missed them but I will read the other five books and the new trilogy of The pillars of reality.


Pillars of reality es una saga de fantasía y ciencia ficción escrita por Jack Campbell, cuyo primer libro se titula The dragons of Dorcastle. Este género, Science-Fantasy, y que no existe realmente en España, combina elementos de ambos géneros y puedes encontrar magia y pistolas en estos libros. Es una mezcla bastante curiosa.

Jack Campbell es el seudónimo del escritor de ciencia ficción John G. Hemry, quien escribió Stark’s War y Paul Sinclair. Pero esta saga es muy diferente del resto de sus libros ya que se ambienta en un mundo de fantasía y tienden a ser Young Adult.
El primer libro nos muestra la historia de dos gremios, los Mecánicos y los Magos, eternos rivales pero que solamente están de acuerdo en una cosa. En no permitir que el mundo cambie. Pero una tormenta se aproxima y la destrucción del mundo. Una única persona podrá pararlo.
Los personajes principales son Mari y Alain, una mecánica y un mago. Están muy bien construidos, con un trasfondo y personalidad marcados.
Alain descubre que Mari es la elegida durante su viaje, quien logra despertar sus emociones.
Pero se echa en falta los personajes secundarios porque la trama se centra solamente en la historia de Mari y Alain, por lo que el resto tienen papeles sumamente secundarios y a veces se echa en falta algo más, un fondo entorno a los personajes principales.

Fue una recomendación y me animé a leerlo. La historia es realmente buena y he descubierto un nuevo género que me encanta a pesar de ser el primer libro muy introductorio, sin tramas secundarias o personajes de fondo. Se echa en falta pero tengo ganas de leer los siguientes libros.

Puntuación: 8,5/10

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